Mary is in the MWF 8:30am Lake Pointe Relentless Boot Camp. This month is her 3 year anniversary with CrossFit Central. Mary is one of the top athletes in class and gives it 100% every time she shows up. She is participating in the upcoming Hood to Coast race with other CrossFit Central clients and Coaches Lisa Thiel and Carey Kepler. She recently participated in the Trojan Challenge and has been a part of multiple Women's-Only events.
The picture above is of her and her 2 daughters on vacation in Costa Rica. During the summer her daughters come to class to workout with their mom. Now that is what I call one CrossFIT family.
Mary is also another client that I programmed a workout in her honor. Below are list of her favorite exercises devised into the Mary Madness Workout.
3 rounds- for being a client for 3 years
10/10 Woodchops
15 Cowboy squats
20 Seated KB shoulder press
3 sprints up hill at Lake Pointe- she is the fastest runner in class
Finish with 8 full rounds of Tabata-- hold quarter squat with quick med ball chest passes to the wall.
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