A handful of CrossFit Central coaches and clients competed in the Zilker Relays on Friday night. This was my 1st time to participate in the event, and I had a total blast. The location is across the bridge from where we have UTB each month. It felt like home. There was music and everyone was having a good time and hanging out. A complete chill event, and the perfect way to kick off Labor Day weekend.
Jen C., Big Mike, Web, and I raced on a team together--Team SHOWFLASH. We got 9th out of 26 teams in our division. As Web put it, Not bad for not being "runners." The event consisted of each team member running 2.5 miles and then passing the band to the next relay member. I ran a 16:55! I was super-pleased with my time. The 4x/week training at SicFit Austin with Big Mike, and my Wednesday interval track workouts are paying off.
One of my goals is to be more involved in the fitness community in Austin. Send me an email if there is an event coming up that myself and the CrossFit Central coaches can participate.
My next event...the Austin 1/2 marathon in February. 1st time ever!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
Such a great pic of us!