My morning Relentless Athletic Training classes took on the Jesus WOD this morning after our daily scored WOD. I was impressed and moved when Stephanie from my 5:30am Tu/Th O.Henry class stayed past class to complete the workout, and then 4 ladies (pictured above) from the 6:30am Tu/Th O.Henry class stayed after class to finish the workout too. Not only were these gals determined to complete the WOD; the symbolism behind the workout encouraged them to push that much harder.
I did the barbell version of this workout 2 years ago, and today Coach Jess and I did the kettlebell version. The meaning behind the workout was still just as powerful!
14 rounds-
10 American swings
10 two-handed squat cleans
10 two-handed push press
30ft walking lunge with kettlebell in any position
After rounds 3, 7, 9 perform 3/3 turkish get-ups
The KB cannot rest on the ground or there is a 5 burpee penalty.
*Rx weight-- female: 1pood or 35lb; men: 1 1/2 pood
I challenge you to give it a try this weekend with your family or fellow athletes.
I did the Jesus wod lastnight that you did 2 years ago and it was the hardest most humbling experience!!