It is day 8 of my 12 day REFUEL cleanse. I'm feeling great and learning a lot about myself along the way. One thing that is for certain, I LOVE being out and about on the weekends and on patios. I had to find other things to occupy my time this weekend and it was a change of pace, but I made it through with flying colors. I finished an entire book Friday night and went for an hour long walk on Sunday. All in all-- a nice restful weekend.
I am learning more about environmental toxins through REFUEL. It was ironic Crystal talked to us about the topic on our 2nd meet up, because a little over a week ago I bought new soap and lotion that contains no chemicals. What I am learning is marketing does a hell of a job convincing us that a product is "good" for us when all in all it's doing the exact opposite.
Tropical Traditions is my go-to place for coconut oil. I decided to browse the site a bit more and came across some awesome soaps and lotions. I bought the following:
- Organic Virgin Coconut Oil bar soaps- LOVE!
- Baby Silk moisturizing lotion- LOVE! My skin already feels softer, and a scar I had on my knee has significantly faded.
- Aluminum-Free Virgin Coconut Oil deodorant- I've been using Arm & Hammer aluminum free but decided I would give this brand a try too. So far I like but will alternate back and forth with the Arm & Hammer brand too.
I am really diving into learning more about environmental toxins. From our water, to our household cleaning materials, to our toothpaste, to body wash. There are many alternatives to choose from versus what is in the supermarket. As I try new products I will fill you in on my thoughts.
What steps can you take today to cleanse your body of toxins?
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