Wednesday, January 23, 2013

WAKE UP, you are already free!

My 2013 mantra came to me right at the new year. Over the past year I have been battling PCOS, lost 2 grandparents, had friends come and go, and injured my Achilles. Needless to say, I do not ever want to repeat being 31 again.

However, in the midst off all that mess I started to remind myself how blessed I am. Tony Robbins likes to call it emotional flooding. It is a process of listing everything you are grateful for no matter how big or small it may seem. Once you start it is difficult to stop. The heart of gratitude shines, and you snap out of your funk real quickly. My gratitude list begins with things as simple as my morning drink of Spark/BCAA, to my family, my health, my friends, my job, my new soft sheets and down comforter, trips to Mexico, ability to workout even when injured, Strictly Strength, finding a doctor to help me tackle PCOS, church, the desire to actually want to be back in church, my Ray Ban's, my MAC makeup, my curls, my eyelashes...the list could go on forever. As you can see, anything goes and the sky is the limit.

Hence, once I really honed in on having a heart of gratitude my mantra came to me-->
WAKE UP, you are already free! 

I have everything I need and more right at my fingertips. Once I get out of my own head and stop feeling sorry for myself or complaining about events and circumstances I can't control, a whole new world of possibilities opens up. I now have this mantra taped on my laptop so I can read it daily.

What phrase motivates you for 2013? Share in the comments section.


  1. "This isn't a problem it's an opportunity for growth" -Kate Showdut Carmichael

  2. Speak what you seek!!!
    ("Declare what is to be..." Isaiah 45:21)
