Friday, February 8, 2013

City Attorney: Relentless Athlete

Karen is a rockstar and true inspiration!  Karen has been an athlete with Relentless Boot Camp for 3 ½ years. She was one of my very first clients when I started coaching my own classes.  As the City Attorney of Austin, Karen’s job is fast paced and extremely demanding, but that does not stop her from getting in three 5:30am boot camp workouts every week with myself and Coach Chelsea Ross.   The number one reason Karen joined boot camp over 3 years was to do something good for herself.  Fast forward and the quality of her life has completely changed!
Karen writes:

“Boot camp significantly improved my quality of life. It makes my daily routine easier to manage. It inspires me and gives me a great sense of pride and accomplishment to know that I can maintain a relatively high level of physical activity. I tell people that I start my day by doing some of the most difficult work I will do all day (running sprints, lifting kettlebells, burpees, etc). Relentless boot camp gives me the peace of mind and confidence to believe there is nothing I can’t handle on a daily basis. I work in a very fast paced environment providing service to others. Boot camp gives me the opportunity to spend time doing something for myself

Read the rest of the story HERE on The Triune.


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