Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Boots with the Bag

Every morning when I wake up and see the temperature below 55-degrees, I channel my inner Sun Goddess and think warmth into my bones. I do NOT like cold weather. I repeat...I DO NOT LIKE COLD WEATHER. I realized this even more last night as I was cutting out pictures from magazines for my vision board. There were quite a few advertisements about ski lodges and slopes, but the moment I saw the picture, I immediately turned the page. NOTHING elicited a response that drove me to cut out the image to dream of being on that snowy mountain. Clearly I am no Snow Bunny.  I am definitely your lay on the beach, rita in hand, soaking up the sun kind of girl. I am quite amazed at how people can live in the north where the weather is in the 30s for months on end. 

However, with that being said, I refuse to let the colder temperatures  over the next few months ruin my day.

As I wait on some well insulated boots that are water proof, I figured I would rig my current boots and make them boots with the bag. Needless to say, the HEB bags kept my shoes dry this frigid Tuesday morning and provided a big laugh to all my clients.

What are your favorite pair of boots that keep your feet warm? My next mission is to find the socks that are battery operated and warm your feet.

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