Saturday, January 31, 2009

Grass, Dirt, PUSHUP

This morning was the 1st UTB of 2009 and there was quite the turnout. CrossFit Central coaches led well over 100 individuals through a workout this morning. If you were in attendance, you know we were demanding excellence and perfection in every exercise. Regardless if you are participating in a UTB, Indoor class, boot camp, or Kettlebell class, strive to be the best you can be and push your limits every time.

WOD for UTB:
5 rounds--
10 med ball cleans
15 sumo DL HP with KB
15 pushups

Pushups are a great exercise. They require little room, no equipment, and simply your own body weight. I challenge everyone (including myself) to commit to perfecting their pushup. If you are on your knees then slowly but surely work up to your toes; if you are busting out pushups on your toes, then work on increasing your speed, changing hand positions, or seeing how many pushups you can do without breaking cadence.

However and most importantly, GET THAT CHEST TO THE GROUND. Get dirty. Check out this link to watch CrossFit's pushup standards:

1 comment:

  1. Ha! I have a new mantra during pushups: Get dirty!

    If there's no grass, dirt, or dust on my chest when I'm done, I wasn't doing them right!
