Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Ab Wheel

Hollow rock. Tight mid-line. Strong core. Mid-line stability. These are all words coaches use to bring more awareness to the mind and muscle connection when doing all kinds of exercises within CrossFit.

Recently, Coach Crystal Mac, Heather, and I created a challenge consisting of 30 days of 30 ab wheel roll outs. Basically, 5 days per week for 30 days we are performing 30 ab wheel roll outs and specifically focusing on the hollow rock position. No lordosis. No dropping the belly to the ground and popping up quickly. Controlled, hollow position.

I am on Day 6 and going strong. The 1st day I was extremely sore. I am excited to work on connecting my upper and lower body strength with my powerhouse and to improve on the hollow rock, kipping pull-ups, handstand pushups...and the list goes on.

I also joined a pilates studio last week. I am learning how to use the Reformer, Tower, and a whole host of exercises I have never done. I see this as a good complement to my current CrossFit training. More updates coming soon. 

Do you have any fitness challenges or goals you are working towards at the moment? Share below.

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