Monday, December 7, 2009

Kettlebell Certified

I am officially CrossFit Kettlebell certified. YAYYYYYYYYY!!! I spent the weekend at Bayou City CrossFit in Houston with Jeff Martone and about 25 other individuals from across the country and perfected 20 different kettlebell exercises. I am fortunate to be at CrossFit Central where we have a Kettlebell progam, so I felt confident about the movements going into this weekend. After 2 full 8-hour days of being beat with a kettlebell (I have bruises to prove it), I feel more equipped to coach kettlebells to my clients as well as program workouts. I learned a lot of new drills and kettlebell combinations.

The best part of the weekend was when Jeff used me as a human kettlebell to perform a Turkish get-up (see the pics above). I'll post the video on my blog as soon as I get it. Let's just say at the top of the movement I screamed.


  1. Congrats Meg! That is hysterical that you were used a human kettlebell..can't wait to see the videos!

  2. Congrats Meg! Nice impersonation of a KB!

  3. I will never look at a Turkish get-up quite the same way again, Showout! Can't wait to see the video!

  4. What Showout Is!!!
    Can't wait to see the new skill at class.

  5. Congrats!! - That dude is STRONG! Don't read into this, I'm not saying you are heavy, I'm just saying that you are at least 100 lbs.
