Thursday, January 28, 2010

the 10 Count

(The ShowSibs)

Jeremy recommended I pick up the January issue of Austin Woman and read the article on Ann Wolfe. Wow! Her 1o count listed below spoke to me. I added my own thoughts below.

1. Clear your space and heart of negativity. Free yourself of items that you associate with hard times or troubles. If there are people in your life who are not supportive of you or your goals, it’s time to end those relationships. - My favorite tip! Negativity crushes. Think of the image of standing on top of a table. It a lot easier for someone to pull you off the table then for you to pull them up on to the table...

2. Surround yourself with people who are positive. People who share similar goals can be sources of inspiration. Connect with someone who has already achieved one of your goals so that you can be mentored to success by that person. - I am fortunate enough to coach/work with some of the most uplifting, successful, and supportive CrossFit coaches in the industry. I am really taking this tip to heart this year. Each week I get to meet with Jeremy Thiel and learn more about duplication of programs, coaching, organizing, raising the temperature. Every Tuesday I am pushed out of my comfort zone, challenged, and ready to go full speed ahead. These weekly meetings keep me accountable. If you don't have someone mentoring you, find someone NOW!

3. Tread new territory. Try something you’ve never tried before. Don’t be afraid that you won’t be good at it! Whatever you attempt is one step forward. That’s progress, not failure!

4. Visit your doctor.

5. Create the body you want. Don’t assume your body was meant to look a certain way just because of genetics. A personal trainer can help you develop a plan to achieve your ideal body.

6. Work hard for what you want. Nothing worth having is going to fall into your lap. Believing you’ll achieve without effort is a waste of wishes! - Act "as if." Take actions as if what you want is already in motion. Do not let fear win.

7. Take baby steps. Set small weekly goals that lead up to your ultimate goal. Achieving small goals along the way will make you more likely to achieve your ultimate goal.
8. Write down your plans and say them out loud. I am a believer in the old saying “Fail to plan, plan to fail!”

9. Reach beyond the familiar. Go outside your comfort zone to a place you’ve never been before. When you better understand how other people live, you’ll have greater compassion for them.

10.Make random acts of kindness a part of your daily life. Do something every day to help somebody for no reason at all. - Try this. You will be surprised how great it makes you feel and even more encouraged by the way it makes the other person feel.

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